Transpiration experiment 1. TRANSPIRATION EXPERIMENT Y E A R 8 – B O D Y S Y S T E M S A N D S U P P O RT 2. AIM & HYPOTHESIS • Aim: To observe the transpiration pathway in a celery plant.
Zeit ca. 45-90 Minuten, besser einen Tag Material & Geräte 3 Bechergläser oder Erlenmeyerkolben 100 ml Wasser rote Tinte oder Lebensmittelfarbe oder.
Transpiration is the process not of water movement through a plant and its evaporation from aerial parts, such as leaves, stems and flowers. Water is necessary for plants but only a small amount of water taken up by the roots is used for growth and metabolism.
More transpiration experiment ideas. We also used two syringes to show water travelling up the stem of a LEGO plant, which is quite a nice model for younger children. Suitable for Key Stage 2 Science Plant Science. Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.
1 Übungen zur Ökologie SS2006 Kursteil Pflanzenökologie II Der Kursteil Pflanzenökologie II besteht aus den zwei Arbeitsbereichen -Thema 1: Wasserhaushalt der Pflanze.
Transpiration Experiments. Aim: To identify and describe factors that affect the rate of transpiration. RATE OF EVAPORATION Equipment: 5 pieces of equally sized filter paper 5 Petri dishes Electronic balances Small plastic bag Electric fan Oven or heater Method: 1. Number the five pieces of filter paper from 1 to 5 then soak in water. Allow.